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中文词典 / 中文詞典。Chinese / Chinese-English dictionaries.

About 說明 / 说明

免費中文/中英文詞典收藏 / 免費中文/中英文词典收藏。

A collection of free Chinese Mandarin dictionaries, for use with dictionary software such as Goldendict or Stardict.

Dictionaries below by WFG also hosted here, as deserving a wider audience.

Todo 接下來要做

1. Chinese Word Frequencies 詞頻分析 / 词频分析based on word corpora and with HSK levelsUpdate to HSK 3.0
Rewrite explanations, add colour
2. Idioms / Chengyu?from academia / BCC idiom dictionary / Chinese name/dict corpus / Hydcd / other - English translations??Low
3. Chinese Idioms - W ScarboroughOCR scanTo convertLow
4. Multifunction Chinese Character Database To check license
5. Update this readmeAdd Simpl./Trad./both tags
Add Unicode font check

CC-CEDICT - with enlarged characters

About 說明 / 说明

The CC-CEDICT dictionary, with enlarged Chinese characters for ease of reading (with a small handful of obscene terms / definitions removed). Total of 118,861 definitions.

Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0

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Source Files 資料來源

CC-CEDICT project

HanDeDict - English translation

About 說明 / 说明

A machine translation of HanDeDict into English (by DeepL translate), intended to accompany cc-cedict. Only terms not already present in cc-cedict are included, but with the exception of a lot of numerical terms (e.g. definitions for 1, 2, 3… 10,000… 10,001…) and a small amount of profanity. Total of 83,909 combined definitions, in the original German and then in English.

Example 事例


  • Blockschrift (S)
  • English (machine transl.): Block letters (Noun)

Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0

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Source Files 資料來源

HanDeDict project

Make Me a Hanzi

About 說明 / 说明


“Make Me a Hanzi provides dictionary and graphical data for over 9000 of the most common simplified and traditional Chinese characters” (skishore).

Memo: Add description
Add note re overlay prob on goldendict if used with cc-cedict

Licence 許可證 / 许可证


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Source Files 資料來源

Makemeahanzi project


About 說明 / 说明

“Draw animated… Chinese characters (Hanzi) in correct stroke order using svg, free open-source code.” Includes 7197 images.


“This project is derived from the remarquable Makemeahanzi project which is designed to display Chinese characters… Many characters were modified or added in AnimCJK (between three or four thousand at the moment) for various reasons:

Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Arphic Public Licence

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Source Files 資料來源

animCJK project, accessed 5th Aug 2022

Chinese Word Frequencies 詞頻分析 / 词频分析

About 說明 / 说明

現代漢語常用字表。/ 现代汉语常用字表。
A dictionary of Chinese character and word frequencies, in movies, print matter and networks.

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 HeadingNo. of entries*Years
1aCharacter freq. (Books):9,9321911-2003
1bWord freq. (Books):76,0021911-2003
2aCharacter freq. (Movies):3,360< 2010
2bWord freq. (Movies):69,004< 2010
3Word freq. (Mixed Print):24,669~1991
4Char freq. (Usenet):5,083 
5Word freq. (Internet):50,0002006
6Word freq. (Newswire):4,9451990-2002
7HSK Levels:5,0002010
8Pinyin ratios:5,0002010

*English, Russian, numeral and punctuation characters removed from references [3] & [5].
Corpora [3],[4] and [5] have been re-ranked in order of frequencies, taking into account joint rankings. Where two entries have the same prevalence, they are both ranked e.g. “≥2124”, with the next entry ranked as “2126”.

Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Html licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence See Readme for licences for data fields.

资料来源 Source Files

See Readme

Pinyin to Chinese (Phonetic) Dictionary 拼音詞典 拼音词典

About 說明 / 说明

Chinese characters indexed by Zhuyin/Pinyin, with IPA pronunciation and audio.

Example 事例


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Source Files 資料來源

Licence 許可證 / 许可证

CC BY-SA 4.0

XDICT 英汉词典 (English-Chinese Dictionary)

About 說明 / 说明

XDict, the free English to Chinese dictionary, originally developed by Fu Jianjun, with about 177,000 terms.

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Source Files 資料來源


BCC 英汉词典 - BCC Corpus English-Chinese Wordlist

About 說明 / 说明

Assembled from the freely available BCC corpus dictionary, with 42,784 terms. This has been proofread for spelling errors in English in the source files, but some may remain. May be a good accompaniment to other dictionaries, as it contains some uncommon English words and national variants.

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资料来源 Source Files

BCC BLCU Resources

XDICT 英汉词典 (English-Chinese Dictionary)

About 說明 / 说明

XDict, the free English to Chinese dictionary, originally developed by Fu Jianjun, with about 177,000 terms.

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证


Source Files 資料來源


Adso trans

About 說明 / 说明

A Chinese-English dictionary, from the ADSO project by David Lancashire. Source file derived from the Speaking English Dictionary, by Warren S. Goff, which also appears to include entries from the LDC wordlist.

Using the adso translation project application itself is recommended over using this particular dictionary, as it translates phrases (rather than words) as-you-type, similar to Google or Bing Translate. Install from the source files below, or use the web version, at Popup Chinese.

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Adsotrans Attribution-NonCommercial License 1.1

Source Files 資料來源

Adso github repository

Dong Chinese Lexicon - Etymology

About 說明 / 说明

A character etymology dictionary, derived from Dong Chinese Lexicon by Peter Olsen Contains decomposition data, helpful images of iconographs and short definitions from CC-CEDICT. Total of 5054 terms.

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Freely available

Source Files 資料來源

Chinese lexicon project

汉字部件典 Character Component Dictionary

About 說明 / 说明

A dictionary of Chinese characters (total of 93888) shown broken down into their components, but also shown as components of other characters.

For example, ‘重’ can be described as ⿻𡈼旦, and it is itself also a component of other characters, which are grouped in the example below under 合體字 / 合体字 Combinations.

Note, the character decompositions are only graphical - they do not indicate how the character was first formed (‘etymology’).

See the Readme for further details.

Also of interest may be the Radically online app, written in typescript, which can be used offline.

Source Files 資料來源

Based on the Chise project and 白易 IDS. 合體字 / 合体字 Character combinations taken from Radically.

Example 事例

字 Character:
基本属性 Basic Properties
解釋 / 解释 Interpretation
(日文 Jp):
東聲/声   (Phonetic:東)
反切 Fanqie (日文 Jp)直隴 直冢
總筆劃數 / 总笔划数
Total Strokes:
統一漢字 Unicode:U+91CD
Ideographic Description Sequence
IDS (白易):⿻𡈼旦
IDS (Chise):
Analysis (IDS):
Analysis (Hanyo Denshi):丿一
合體字 / 合体字 Combinations

11 strokes

12 strokes

13 strokes

14 strokes

15 strokes

16 strokes

17 strokes

18 strokes

19 strokes

20 strokes

21 strokes

22 strokes

24 strokes

30 strokes

<p>異體字 / 异体字 National variants (colour-coded):
简 Simp., 繁 Trad., 日 Jp., 韩 Kor., 另 Other</p></div>

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证

• Chise IDS - GPLv2
• IDS (白易) - MIT Licence
• Radically - as for Chise

Tatoeba Chinese-English Vocabulary

About 說明 / 说明

A Chinese-English vocabulary, from sentences submitted to, with 47,969 phrases (dowloaded December 2020).

“Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations. It’s collaborative, open, free and even addictive.” (from the tatoeba website)

To list all the sentences with audio, search for the term ‘audio’.

Chinese words segmented using jieba. Thanks also to “Generating Anki decks with audio from the Tatoeba Project”, accessed December 2020.

Example 事例: 电影院

    I go to the movies once a month.

    How about going to the movies?
    Shall we go to the cinema?
    How about going to the cinema?

    She wouldn't let up until I agreed to go to the movies with her.

    If you're bored, I suggest you to go to the cinema.

    Do you go to the movies often?

    There's a movie theatre on the east side of the plaza, about ten minutes walk from here.

    Do you want to go to the cinema or the theater?

    Compare it to other enjoyable activities: going to the cinema, reading books, going for walks, chatting to friends etc.

    I went to the cinema yesterday.
    Yesterday I went to the movies.

    Go along this street, and you'll find the movie theater.

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证

CC BY 2.0 FR

新华字典 Xīnhuá Zìdiǎn character dictionary

About 說明 / 说明

A character dictionary of publicly-contributed definitions from the internet, with 20,913 terms.

Adapted from Xinhua dictionary at Guoxuedashi

See description from compiler’s website below.

《新华字典》 此为《国学大师》系列之一。《新华字典》收录了GBK全部汉字20924个。可离线查询汉字的拼音、部首、五笔、笔画、笔顺、详细解释、例句、用法等。提供多种检索方式,可按拼音索引,也可按部首、总笔画、五笔、笔顺检字;还提供了6000多个常用汉字的笔顺动画演示,是中小学生学习汉字的良好工具,可帮助初学者按正确地笔画顺序书写汉字。

Example 事例 : 山

Basic explanation
山  shān ㄕㄢˉ
 1. 地面形成的高耸的部分:土~。~崖。~峦。~川。~路。~头。~明水秀。~雨欲来风满楼(喻冲突或战争爆发之前的紧张气氛)。
 2. 形状像山的:~墙(人字形房屋两侧的墙壁。亦称“房山”)。
 3. 形容大声:~响。~呼万岁。
 4. 姓。
Detailed explanation
◎ 山 shān
(1) (象形。甲骨文和金文字形,象山峰并立的形状。“山”是汉字的一个部首。本义:地面上由土石构成的隆起部分)
(2) 同本义
太行、 王屋二山,方七百里,高万仞。--《列子·汤问》
(3) 又如:山霭(山上的云气);山灵(山神);山阿(山中凹曲的地方);山岩(山峰;山崖);山隈(山角);山啜(山岔);山落(山岔;山角落);山孤钉(小山包);山头(绿林好汉占据的山寨;坟地;山墙);山长(科举时代的书院主讲及总领院务者);山主(寺院的主持);山观(山中道观);山关(依山而建的城堡)
(4) 形状像山的东西
[anything in the shape of a mountain]
(5) 又如:冰山;鳌山;山枕(枕头。古代枕头多用木、瓷制作,中凹,形似山);山堆阜积(东西堆积得像山一样);山棚(结彩的牌楼;比武台,戏台);山家(佛寺)
(6) 特指“五岳”
[the Five mountains]
(7) 又如:山斗(“泰山北斗”的缩略。借指卓有成就令人仰慕的人物);山右(指山西省,西在太行山之右);山左(山东的别称)
(8) 山墙
[gable wall]。如:山架(把几层木板镶嵌在墙里的架子)
(9) 指酒肆的楼上
[storey of a bar]
酒阁名曰厅院,若楼上则又或名为山,一山、二山、三山之类。牌额写过山,非特有山,谓酒力高远也。--宋· 灌圃耐得翁《都城纪胜》
(10) 山中。指隐居之处
(11) 坟
(12) 蚕簇。由禾杆、油菜杆搭成的小簇
[a small bundle of straws,etc.,for silkworms to spin cocoons on]。如:蚕上山了
(13) 姓

◎ 山 shān
(1) 大,巨大
(2) 粗俗
(3) 山野--谦称
[my rustic]。如:山妻(隐士之妻)
中文輸入法 Input Methods
仓颉 CāngjiéU
郑码 ZhèngmǎLL
四角号码 Four Corner22770

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Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Freely available

Source Files 資料來源

Guoxuedashi Zdcy

數字輸入法和筆順序 / 数字输入法和笔顺序
Chinese Input Methods and Stroke Order

About 說明 / 说明

A compilation of 62 freely avaialble Chinese input method codes, as listed in this table or here.

Also includes character stroke order for handwriting, e.g.
尋: 乙一一一丨一丨乙一一丨丶。

See also:
吳語臺語字輸入法 Wu and Minnan
亞洲(日韓越泰)輸入法辞书 East Asian (JKVT)

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Example 事例:

文字 Character(s):
筆順序 / 笔顺序 Stroke Order
字形 Glyph / 雜項 Other
三角編號 3 Corners492700
行列10 Array104893
行列30 Array30vo
表形码 Biaoxingmjt
嘸蝦米 Boshiamytki
縱橫碼 CKC4092
全拼形導碼 Daomaxmjt
筆結基因 DNA362765
E碼漢字 E-codeyfs
輕鬆大詞庫 EZ Bigd1
華象直覺 HS pictographYLT
晶晶碼 Jin Jinmjjt
晶数码 Jin Shu 487751
冰蟾全息 QXMmjda
萬國蝦米 Uni Liutki
晚風 Wan Fengxim
海峰五笔 Wubi 98sr
王林快码 WLKMuf;p
象形王碼 Wang Ma 2yft
五笔新世纪版 Wubisr
拼音 Pinyin
港式廣東話 CantonHK Pinyinsik
帶調粵語拼音 Jyuptingcik1
廣東拼音 Jyupting ILEtsik7
正體拼音 Pinyinxi
雙拼加加 Shuangpin++xi
以拼音为基 Pinyin-based
二笔快版 .Er Bi - Kuaixxej
小鹤音形 Flypyxim
自然码 Zi Ran Maxim
注音 Zhuyin
正體注音 Bopomofo (official)vu
全字庫注音 CNS Phonetic litevu
臺語注音 Taiwanese"vu,e"
粵語注音 Zyujamhud4
以笔顺为基 Stroke-based
筆順碼 Bsm983
大易二碼 Dayi2i1
大易三碼 Dayi3ih1
大易三碼 Dayi3 patchedIHE1
大易四碼 Dayi4ihe1
龍飛 Dragonflyihe1
六碼筆畫 G6 Code123312
筆畫數 Strokes804
筆順五碼 Stroke5"m/,.,"
郑码 Zheng Mafpd
以倉頡为基 Cangjie-based
倉頡第三代 Cangjie 3dhml
倉頡第五代 Cangjie 5dhml
仓颉 Chan Jeidhml
微倉三 Changjei3 dhml
自由大新 FreeNewCJdhl
正體簡易 SimpleCJdl
簡易五代 Simplex5dl
快倉七代 Speedy Cangjie 7dhl
鯨魚 MyCJ Whale dhl
字符集 Character Encodings
大五碼 Big5paa52
資訊交換碼 CCCII 21442b
標準交換碼 CNS1164314e35
四角号码 Four Corner4292
電信碼 Telecode2649
統一漢字 Unicode6790
字頻序 Character Freq. (Big5)1207

Source Files 資料來源

Chinese open-desktop tables
Openvanilla tables
Zi-wiki, accessed 4 Aug 2022

See also:

Licences 許可證 / 许可证

數字輸入法 Chinese Input Methods
吳語臺語字輸入法 Wu and Minnan
亞洲(日韓越泰)輸入法辞书 East Asian (JKVT)

統一漢字典 Unihan character dictionary

About 說明 / 说明

Contains the complete range of characters from the Unihan project, and character properties suitable for language learning. Pictures of characters (as SVGs, from are included for those that might be less common or new, and not displayed depending on the fonts installed.

Unihan version: 13.0 (2020-02-18), with the 9 new characters added from Unihan 14.0 (2a6de, 2a6df, 2b735, 2b736, 2b737, 2b738, 9ffd, 9ffe, 9fff). Thus contains all 93,867 characters from Unihan 14.0 (up to and including ext. G).

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Example 事例:

隷 (U+FA2F), shown in both in the font and as an SVG picture:


Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Unihan: Unicode licence. Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Glyphwiki: freely available

小學堂文字學資料庫 Xiaoxuetang Database of Ancient and Modern Characters

About 說明 / 说明

An offline mirror of the Xiaoxue ancient character database, downloaded July 2022. Contains a total of 8148 articles.

本資料庫由臺灣大學中國文學系、中央研究院歷史語言研究所、資訊科學研究所、數位文化中心共同開發。 本資料庫部分索引由引得市提供。

Developed jointly by the Department of Chinese Literature of National Taiwan University, the Institute of History and Linguistics of the Academia Sinica, the Institute of Information Science, and the Digital Culture Center. Part of the index of the database is provided by Yinde City.

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As a large dictionary, it has been split into three files within each folder. Download all three to use the dictionary.

Example 事例:

Screenshot from 2022-09-10 22-38-24

Source Files 資料來源


Licences 許可證 / 许可证

CC0 1.0 general
版權聲明:使用者操作本網站查詢介面所得之各解析度「字形圖片」及字形屬性資訊,權利人特於此明示主張以CC0 1.0通用方式,在法律許可的範圍內,拋棄該字形圖片及字形屬性資訊依著作權法可得享有之權利,使用者當可安心再行利用該查詢字形圖片及字形屬性資訊。Generously made freely available to the public.

部首字典 Radical dictionary

About 說明 / 说明

A simple radical dictionary. Search by a radical or its number, from 1 to 214, to see a list of characters that are based on the radical.

Alternatively, search for “index” for a list of all radicals.

Based on kRSUnicode data from the Unihan project (v15.0, 2022-Sept), for 98,060 characters.

Note, the characters that display will depend on fonts installed. The FSung font by WFG is a project to show all the current Unihan characters.

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Example 事例:


Licences 許可證 / 许可证

See Unihan character dictionary above.


About 說明 / 说明

A character dictionary of the CNS 11643 character set (Chinese National Standard 11643) (Taiwan), also known as the Chinese Standard Interchange Code (中文標準交換碼), including romanisation, pronunciation audio, Ideographic Description Sequences, and Strokes.

See the homepage at the Taiwanese Ministry of Education for further details.

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Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Open Government Data Licence v1.0

Example 事例:

Local Font
CNS font
Sound /
<img class=uni src=></a>
部首 Radical
筆畫 Strokes13 總筆畫 Total
9 部首外 Outside Radical
倉頡 Chang-Jie竹山一田中 ( HUMWL )
說明 NotesCJK Comp. 為 Unicode 中日韓相容表意文字區(CJK Compatibility Ideographs)編碼。
Big5-2003 為 Big5-2003 碼表內之文字。
部件 Components <img src= alt='222'>,<img src= alt='476'>
(Ver. CNS11643_2_94)
Stroke Order
(Ver. CNS11643_1_98)
Hanzi Style

維基共古漢字的圖片資料庫 Wikimedia Chinese Character Image Library

About 說明 / 说明

A library of images of historical forms of 2,905 Chinese characters, from Wikimedia Commons, for offline viewing, compiled in 2022.

See Wikimedia Ancient Chinese Characters Project for further details.

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Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Public domain, except as otherwise specified.

Example 事例:


Starling Chinese Dialect Character Dictionary
Starling漢語方言字典 / Starling汉语方言字典

About 說明 / 说明

A comparison of readings in Chinese dialects. Compiled by William Wang; from the online database by Sergei A. Starostin (1953-2005), Russian State University for the Humanities.

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Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Freely available.

Source Files 資料來源

Example 事例:

MC description : 臻開三入質影
ZIHUI: 0001 0707
Beijing: i 11
Jinan: i 11
Xi'an: i 11
Taiyuan: iǝʔ 41
Hankou: i 12
Chengdu: i 12
Yangzhou: iǝʔ 4
Suzhou: iôʔ 41
Wenzhou: iai 41
Changsha: i 4
Shuangfeng: i 12
Nanchang: it 41
Meixian: jit 41
Guangzhou: jat 41
Xiamen: it 41 (lit.); cit 41
Chaozhou: ik 41
Fuzhou: eiʔ 41
Shanghai: iîʔ 4
Zhongyuan yinyun: i 43

Starling Chinese Character Etymology

About 說明 / 说明

Phonetic pronunciations are shown from Old Chinese (10th century B.C.) through to Modern. From the online database by Sergei A. Starostin (1953-2005), Russian State University for the Humanities. Contains a total of 9296 entries.

See also a list of Chinese dynasties and dates from the same source.

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Source Files 資料來源

Licences 許可證 / 许可证

Freely available.

Example 事例:

Modern (Beijing) reading: quǎn
Preclassic Old Chinese:
(10th - 6th cent B.C.)
Classic Old Chinese:
(5th - 3rd cent B.C.)
Western Han Chinese:
(end of 3rd cent B.C. - 0 A.D.)
Eastern Han Chinese:
(0 - begin. of 3rd cent A.D.)
Early Postclassic Chinese:
(3rd cent A.D.)
Middle Postclassic Chinese:
(4th cent A.D.)
Late Postclassic Chinese:
(5th cent A.D.)
Middle Chinese:
(end of 6th - begin. of 10th cent A.D.)
Fanqie: 去選
Rhyme class:
English meaning : dog
Russian meaning[s]: собака, пес; собачий; по-собачьи; вежл. мой (о детях)
Shuowen gloss:狗之有縣蹄者也. 象形. 孔子曰. 視犬之字. 如畫狗也. 凡犬之屬皆從犬.
Radical: 94
Four-angle index: 4947
Karlgren code: 0479 a-d
Vietnamese reading:khuyê`n
Jianchuan Bai: khuã1
Dali Bai: khua1
Bijiang Bai: qhõ1

Ref. for dates: Starostin, Sergei A. 1989, Rekonstrukcija drevnekitajskoj fonologi␂eskoj sistemy, p431-433. Moskva: Nauka.
in: Blažek, Václav, and Michal Schwarz. On Tocharian Vessel-names with Special Regard to B lwake ‘pot’. (2018).

Kanjinetworks - (Japanese) Etymological Dictionary of Han Chinese Characters

About 說明 / 说明

A dictionary of etymology of 6,379 Chinese characters, with their Japanese meanings, but with application to Chinese language study.

Example 事例

(4 strokes) >シュ;て
A depiction of a hand showing the five fingers in a curved, gripping position. Extended meanings include arm; paw; foreleg; a handle; helper; a means; technique; (in board games) a move; a type; a direction; and handwriting.

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Licence 許可證 / 许可证

Freely distributed.

教育部國語辭典 - 重編國語辭典 修訂本
Taiwan Ministry of Education Dictionary (moedict)

About 說明 / 说明

This dictionary was produced from the free release by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, and first produced in 2015. Total entries: 163, 085. Compilation and HTML layout by WFG.

An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror (with thanks to shawkynasr.)

Authorisation / 授權 (from the compiler’s webpage):

  • 「在此遵循「創用CC-姓名標示-禁止改作 臺灣 3.0 版授權條款」將我的製作分享出來,希望這些寶貴的資料能更方便地被大家運用,也請有使用的朋友能將發現的瑕疵、錯誤反應給我知道,以利我後續的修正。」
  • "Follow the "Creative CC-Name Marking-Prohibited to Change to Taiwan Version 3.0 License Terms" to share my production. I hope that these valuable information can be used more conveniently by everyone. Please also ask friends who can find defects. Let me know any errors so that I can make subsequent corrections." (Google-translate)
  • Version 版本

    2015, revised 10th Oct 2020

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    Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Creative Commons NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence (No derivatives)

    Source Files 資料來源

    Taiwan Ministry of Education
    WFG blog

    Taiwan Ministry of Education Index of Variant Characters

    About 說明 / 说明

    An index of more than 106,000 variant characters by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, compiled by WFG.

    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

    Please note:

    From the compiler’s webpage:

    ‘Since the “Dictionary of Variants of the Ministry of Education” has not been authorized as openly as the “Mandarin Dictionary”, I cannot open the complete offline dictionary for everyone to use (infringement will be involved). The compromise method is that I discard all the definitions and leave only the prefixes, and make a “Ministry of Education Variant Character Index Dictionary”, so that after checking the words with “component retrieval”, you can use this index dictionary to look up the words and check them. After that, click on the font size link to automatically jump to the official page.’ (Google-translate)


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    Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Non-Commercial use only (see compiler’s webpage)
    Creative Commons NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence (No derivatives)

    部件檢索 Component Search Input Method

    About 說明 / 说明

    A new input method by WFG, available as both a webpage and this dictionary module.
    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

    A font such as FSung also by WFG (which currently codes approximately 170,000 characters as of 2022, including Unicode ext. A-G) is needed for this to work fully.


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    Source Files 資料來源 & Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Non-Commercial use only (see compiler’s webpage)

    全字庫 Quan Zi Ku

    A Taiwanese character dictionary, with; pinyin and Zhuyin, stroke order, radicals, Cangjie input, and CNS 11463 codes. Created by WFG.

    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    WFG blogspot

    Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Non-Commercial use only

    干祿字書 Ganlu Zishu

    A 7th Century Tang dynasty dictionary (‘Character Book for Seeking an Official Emolument’ ) of 800 characters, for students of the imperial examination, by 顏元孫 Yan Yuansun. Compilation and HTML layout by WFG.

    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    WFG blogspot

    Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Non-Commercial use only

    康熙字典 Kangxi Radical Dictionary

    A character dictionary compiled by order of the Kangxi emperor of the Qing dynasty in AD 1710, with 214 radicals forming the basis of modern radical dictionaries. Compilation and HTML layout by WFG.

    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    WFG Blogspot

    Licence 許可證

    CC BY-SA 3.0

    說文解字 Shuowen Jiezi

    The 2nd Century Han character dictionary, by 許慎 Xu Shen. Compilation and HTML layout by WFG.

    An exact copy of the original by WFG (no credit claimed), for those searching the web in English, and as a mirror.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    WFG Blogspot

    Licence 許可證 / 许可证

    Non-Commercial use only

    漢語大詞典 / 汉语大词典
    Hànyǔ Dà Cídiǎn - dāncí biǎo - word list

    “Hanyu Da Cidian” is a large dictionary of Chinese and Chinese texts compiled by more than 300 scholars, from 1979 to 1993. This word list, with a total of 692,661 terms, gives the headwords of all 12 volumes of the 1st edition. It does not give definitions, but should allow checking of whether word exists in this dictionary. The full dictionary, with definitions, is available in print and electronically; see the Wikipedia page for details (accessed 2022-Feb-04).

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    Source Files 資料來源

    hydcd wordlist

    Licence 許可證

    GPL v2

    中文人名语料库 Chinese / English Names Corpus

    A collection of Chinese family and personal names (with gender), and English (and Anglicised spellings of names from other languages) translated into Chinese. See Readme file for further details.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    Adapted from Chinese Names Corpus by Wainshine / ltccss

    Licence 许可证 / 許可證

    Apache 2.0 词典 Hàndiǎn

    A public dictionary from in Simplified Chinese (downloaded via, with 264,406 terms.

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    Source Files 資料來源

    Converted from Chinese Xinhua by pwxcoo.

    Licence 许可证 / 許可證

    May be Public Domain, see Licence for details.

    串珠聖經和英文翻 /串珠圣经和英文翻 Chinese Bible concordance and English Translation

    Not available - pending corrections

    說明 / 说明 About

    串珠聖經和合本 (Concordance)
    例如查”企望”,就會列出所有這個字原文對應聖經和合本翻譯的字及其經節出處,和英文翻譯 (World English Bible - British English / 國王詹姆斯版本 King James Version) 。

    串珠圣经和合本 (Concordance)
    例如查”企望”,就会列出所有这个字原文对应圣经和合本翻译的字及其经节出处,和英文翻译 (World English Bible - British English / 国王詹姆斯版本 King James Version) 。

    A searchable concordance for the Chinese Union Version (CUV) Bible, with an English translation from the World English Bible - British English or the King James Version.

    For example, searching for “企望” (hope) will show all verses with this word, and the matching English translation.

    This dictionary was made to be a resource for learning English/Chinese, as the Bible is free in both languages, and has a very large amount of Chinese-English vocabulary available. It may be particularly helpful to those already familiar with parts of the text, through studying a passage in the corresponding language.

    Additionally, for anyone interested primarily in studying God’s word, though in English it has many concordances, there is perhaps only one in Chinese, for the New Testament only.

    發展 / 发展 Compilation

    中文分词利用pywordseg (ELMo) 系統未經校核親自的。請經文錯誤回報給開發者。
    中文分词利用pywordseg (ELMo) 系统未经校核亲自的。请经文错误回报给开发者。
    Chinese words have been segmented automatically, without checking in person. Please report any errors you find.
    Word segmentation was with pywordseg (ELMo), using CC-CEDICT dictionary and a Chinese word list of Bible names and places, then indexed using word_line_concordance_app by lostchristmas0.
    The simplified and traditional versions of the CUV were segmented separately, to avoid errors converting from traditional to simplified, so there may be different mistakes in each version.

    文本 Choice of Text

    欽定版聖經於 (KJV) 1611 年出版。建議 WEB-BE,因為它更簡單。
    钦定版圣经于 (KJV) 1611 年出版。建议 WEB-BE,因为它更简单。
    The CUV was chosen as it is widely used, in the public domain, and available already segmented by Strong’s numbers. For similar reasons, the WEB-BE is a free, accurate and also readable English version.
    The KJV is also free, but is not recommended for those without a very good use of English.

    Another project which may be of interest is this Chinese-English comparison Bible by michaelchanwahyan, which has several free English and Chinese versions.

    資料來源 Source Files:

    許可證 / 许可证 Licences

    CUV Bible: Public Domain
    KJV Bible: Crown copyright
    World English Bible: Public Domain. “World English Bible” is a trademark of; see

    Acknowledgements 鳴謝/鸣谢

    GoldenDict - Dictionary software for Linux, Windows, Mac and Android.

    WriteMDict by Zhansilu

    Mdict-utils by Liuyug

    OpenCC by BYVoid, mingruimingrui, danny0838, sgalal, kunki, gucong3000, ayaka14732, lotem, xpol, PeterDaveHello, groverlynn, kyleskimo, AntonOfTheWoods, shinzoqchiuq…

    r12a Unicode code converter

    Peazip by Giorgio Tani

    Bandizip- Only application found to correctly handle Chinese character encodings.

    Phantomjs: fastest html to pdf conversion; see here for adding page breaks